Correlações entre a mecânica racional, a metafísica racionalista do século XVII e a arte barroca


  • Milton Vargas


The aim of this paper is to propose rlwt 1/ze e.\is1anl correlation between the XVII CenWT)' Rationa/ Mechanics and lhe Rationalistic Methaphvsics with the barroc art is not a topic to topic correspondence. lts origin. according with Onega _,, Gasset. can be found in beliefs that domina te the mentality of the corresponding age. These beliefs are 1101 exactly ideas of men or groups of men of the age may have: 011 the contrary beliefs are ideas Jetennining the wav tlwse men are. Only in this sense it is possible to sav that sciences are the portraiL\ of their ages.

Author Biography

Milton Vargas

Professor titular aposentado da Escola Politécnica da USP e Presidente de Honra da SBHC.



How to Cite

Vargas, M. (1992). Correlações entre a mecânica racional, a metafísica racionalista do século XVII e a arte barroca. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De História Da Ciência, (7), 41–46. Retrieved from


