A importância do estudo da história da ciência


  • José Maria Filardo Bassalo Universidade Federal do Pará


ln this article we present the evolution of the discipline History of Science in the world and in Braz.il, and discuss the importance of its study by teachers and pupils of the 2nd, 3nd and 4nd degrees. ln this disrnssion, we emplwsize that, in thesis, to study the History of Science is to understand in detail the past, to discem the present and to prognosticate the futur. ln defense of this thesis, we point out two importam aspects: the scientist' s human character and the positivist position of the textbooks. Finally, we sugere that the writer of didatic books, preserve a space to discuss historiéal aspects of the subjects treated.

Author Biography

José Maria Filardo Bassalo, Universidade Federal do Pará

Professor do Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal do Pará.



How to Cite

Bassalo, J. M. F. (1992). A importância do estudo da história da ciência. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De História Da Ciência, (8), 57–66. Retrieved from https://rbhciencia.emnuvens.com.br/rsbhc/article/view/425


