Evolución la idea de sustancia química en la antiguedad

el caso de epicuro



ln the article are analysed the principal contributions to the atomistic tradition made by Epicurus, ín particular through his pupil Lucretius: the idea of clinarnen and, first of ali, the theory of concilium. ln that theory important ideas for the future deve/opment of the theoretical chemistrywere expressed; although they were rather eclectic (owing to the mixture of the atomistic principies of Democritus with the conceptions of Aristotle) ideas on the role of the mechanical movement of the atoms in the formation of the composite bodies.

Author Biography

Membro do Instituto de Filosofia da Academia de Ciências da Rússia.



How to Cite

Victor. (1993). Evolución la idea de sustancia química en la antiguedad: el caso de epicuro. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De História Da Ciência, (10), 75–84. Retrieved from https://rbhciencia.emnuvens.com.br/rsbhc/article/view/442


