O método está nu!

Lupicínio, Latour e a medicina moderna


  • Marco Antonio Porto


The method is naked! - Lupicínio, Latour and the modem medicine - The medical discourse - harmoniously inserted in the project of modernity - has elected the biological body as the object and the scientific method as the exclusive possibility of intervention, evaluation and legitimation. However, lhe medical practice (which basically means technology consumption, nowadays) depicls itself. in fact, as a net of mediations, where lhe physician is forced to use "impure" or "il/egitimate " practices. ln such a context, lhe assessment technologies and the atumpts to reordain lhis practice (clinicai essays, meta-analysis, consensus conf erences and praticai guides, among others) · have produced results of little repercution. This paper seeks to discuss, not only lhese ascertainings, but also the possibility of new objects and approaches for the medical practice. Thus, it concentrates the discussion in the knowledge lhat sustains lhe medical-scientific discourse and, finally, in lhe implications that lhe concept of "modem", and its similars, have brought into lhe heallh practices.

Author Biography

Marco Antonio Porto

Professor Adjunto do Instituto de Saúde da Comunidade (UFF) e Doutor em Saúde Pública (ENSP/FIOCRUZ).



How to Cite

Porto, M. A. (1994). O método está nu! Lupicínio, Latour e a medicina moderna. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De História Da Ciência, (12), 99–106. Retrieved from https://rbhciencia.emnuvens.com.br/rsbhc/article/view/462


