Kósmos Theóros
física e metafísica no Timeu
Some Plato 's Thimaeus Physics elements stvdy concems the purpose of this article; the analisis of the orrlered selves teleologically movement and the ordered earlh, water, air and fire movement are developed, the former, in the first parl and the last in the second one. About the relationship between the physics and the metophysics, once Thimaeus is one dialogue among only possible to be leamt by opinion and by sensation, from what, in the formal Plato's epistemology, the absolut knowledge is denied, assumes its own relevance. Which is the function and the statute of the perceptible into the Platonic Theo,y, and beyond it, inside the dialogue, the participating relationship that one do between the sensible and the intelligible is what I intend to remark with this subject .