Fraucault para o estudo das profissões científicas


  • France Maria Gontijo Coelho


This paper systematizes some of Foucault's contributions to historical research on scientific professions in terms of theoretical concepts and methodological procedures. These professions are seen here as professional groups goveming their actions by scientific knowledge. This article suggests the study of professions to widen the focus of the studies on the social space of scientific ( scientific fie/d) as it seek to identify the dispersai of knowledge over various institutional places. The practices of knowledge seen as professional practices are not necessarily restricted to the scientific field nor do they aim to gene rate new knowledge and research. The historical description of these practices allows the understanding of the rules of formation of various types of scientific discourse and reveals how practices of knowledge are also practices of knowledge are of power and how the exercise of power can be a practice guide by scientific knowledge.

Author Biography

France Maria Gontijo Coelho

Professora do Departamento de Economia Rural da Universidade Federal de Viçosa ( DER-UFV ), Minas Gerais.



How to Cite

Coelho, F. M. G. (1996). Fraucault para o estudo das profissões científicas. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De História Da Ciência, (16), 41–52. Retrieved from


