Galileos cultural context and the agents involved in the legitimization of his professional role as a philosopher-mathematician


  • Magali Bravo Villamil Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
  • Márcia Helena Alvim Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)



Galileo Galilei, Italian court, Clavius, natural philosophy, geometry


Galileo’s studies have been recognized for many historians for his geometrization of the behavior of physical bodies in mechanical systems. However, we believe this process was not restricted to exclusive discussions of Natural philosophy scope about the validity of its relation with the geometry, but, had the influence of agents and social dynamics, here we find a political Galileo that intervened in social places like the Italian Real Court and the Collegio Romano. So, this article aims to analyze the relations established by Galileo with these social agents that intervened and enacted the legitimacy of mathematics in the natural philosophy studies.


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Author Biographies

Magali Bravo Villamil, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)

Licenciada em física pela universidade Pedagógica Nacional – Bogotá - Colombia. E mestra do programa de Pós- graduação Ensino, História e Filosofia das ciências e matemática.

Márcia Helena Alvim, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)

Historiadora, doutora em Ciências pela Unicamp e professora adjunta da Universidade Federal do ABC do programa de Pós-graduação Ensino, História e Filosofia das ciências e matemática.




