The beginnings of Psychiatry in Brazil

The Pedro II Mental Asylum, the private health care homes and its epistemological assumptions (1850-1880)


  • Monique de Siqueira Gonçalves Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, Universidade do Estado do Rio de janeiro (UERJ)



Pedro II Mental Asylum, Private health care homes, History of psychiatry, History of medical knowledge


This article develops an analysis of the epistemological assumptions on the construction and operation of nursing homes on the imperial Court, in the early years of psychiatry in Brazil. Thus, we present the results of a critical historiographic review developed in the context of the doctoral thesis, whose objective was to hue the interpretations produced on this subject – on the basis of the analysis of previously unpublished sources and the reinterpretation of sources already used by historiography –, contributing to a broader knowledge about the medical-scientific conceptions that guided the work of clinicians devoted to the treatment of neurosis in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Monique de Siqueira Gonçalves, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, Universidade do Estado do Rio de janeiro (UERJ)

Doutora em História das Ciências pela Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz – onde foi orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Flavio Coelho Edler, com pesquisa financiada pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz –, professora e pesquisadora de pós-Doutorado do Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob a supervisão da Prof.ª Dr.ª Tânia Maria Tavares Bessone da Cruz Ferreira, contemplada com a bolsa de pós-doutorado do Programa de Apoio ao Pós-Doutorado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro – 2011 (Parceria CAPES/FAPERJ).




