A Farmacopeia Tubalense de 1735 e a construção de um modelo para a farmácia portuguesa setecentista


  • Leonardo Gonçalves Gomes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo


History of Pharmacy, pharmacopoeia, chemist, medicinal, curative drugs


This work is a study of the Pharmacopoeia Chemical Tubalense-Galenic , Portuguese manual about manufacturing and usage of drugs, it was written by the pharmacist Manoel RodriguesCoelho in 1735. The main objective of this study is to understand this pharmacopoeia as a teaching tool and guide what is aimed to establish a model of pharmacy practice in Portugal during the first half of the eighteenth century. During this period, in Portugal, there was the knowledge of Galenic Pharmacy, knowledge-based on Greco-Roman, Arab and medieval dressings on pharmacy and chemistry, it was rooted in the writings of Paracelsus and critics of the Galenic system. In addition, several concepts derived from healing magic-religious beliefs and knowledge of native cultures from different parts of the Portuguese dominions permeatedthe healing practice. In order to organize and standardize the pharmaceutical practice, believing that they would eliminate some misconceptions that many apothecaries committed in their activities, Manoel Rodrigues Coelho gathered as much knowledge as possible about both pharmacies in one book. It was not the only pharmacopoeia of the period, but it became more popular with the professional art of producing drug revenues in Portugal.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Gonçalves Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, São Gonçalo

Mestrado em História Social do T.




