Fire according to the Marquise Émilie du Châtelet

the first work by a woman published by the Paris Academy of Sciences in the 18th century




Natural Philosophy, Émilie du Châtelet , Women in Science


We present the translation from French into Portuguese of the work “Dissertation on Nature and the Propagation of Fire” by Marquise Émilie du Châtelet. The Dissertation has 140 pages and is divided into two parts. In the first, she discusses the nature of Fire, in the second part, the marquise deals with the laws of propagation of fire. The marquise reflects on the relationships between Fire, light, the Sun, electricity and the constitution of matter; it presents arguments from optics, chemical reactions, and mechanics and geometry. From a methodological point of view, the marquise brings theoretical arguments and experimental results. In addition to the reasoned discussion on the nature of heat, the Dissertação da marquise acquires importance for being one of the first works published and recognized by the Paris Academy of Sciences as authored by a woman.


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