“Aventuras no coração do átomo” (1956)
comics, nuclear energy and historical-cultural contexts
comics , nuclear energy , cultural history of science , textualizationAbstract
From a historical and cultural perspective articulated to the notion of textualization, this article presents an analysis of the production and circulation of the comic book (comics) “Aventuras no coração do átomo” (1956), published in a period in which an entanglement of actors/agencies and interests in relation to nuclear issues was being sewn. The analysis highlighted several aspects: the erasure of the atomic bomb and of agencies involved in the production of the comic, such as the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Information Agency (USIA); circulation in other countries, including Brazil, favored by UNESCO and USIA as a good example of educational comics; how the comic became one of the instruments of the Atoms for Peace program.
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