A grandeza sai de cena
a história do capítulo que Amoroso Costa decidiu não publicar
history of mathematics in Brazil, historical texts, manuscripts of scientists, Burali-Forti axioms, numberAbstract
This work deals with an unpublished chapter of the book “The fundamental ideas of mathematics”, by the Brazilian mathematician, engineer and astronomer Manuel Amoroso Costa. Examination of the book's own handwritten drafts, contained in the author's personal archive, revealed the existence of a chapter about the mathematical concept of quantity that Amoroso Costa wrote for the book but which he decided to suppress. The content of that chapter is discussed in this paper, which also presents transcripts of some fragments of the second version of the unpublished text. The analysis of the chapter reveals strong influence of the logician and mathematician Louis Couturat, whose ideas are exposed here, in addition to suggesting, along with other evidence presented here, that the process of abandoning the paradigm of mathematics as a science of quantity at late 19th and early 20th century had repercussions on the process of writing the book, although this is not enough to explain Amoroso Costa's decision not to publish the text.
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