Water and Civilizations

Environmental History, Contemporary Challenges, and Diplomatic Perspectives





Water management, Hydraulic civilizations, Water conflicts, Environmental history, Water diplomacy


This article explores the pivotal relationship between water and the development of civilizations throughout history, addressing both successes and collapses associated with water resource management. Its objective is to investigate the historical impact of poor water management on social collapses, conflicts, and current water crises. Additionally, it explores the applicability of water diplomacy in the effective management of water resources. The article originates from a broader study in Environmental History and is a part of this investigation. It employs a qualitative approach with bibliographic research methodology, using inductive terms to search for relevant articles in various academic databases. The selected articles were the most recent and consistent with the research objectives. The analysis begins by highlighting the central role of water in shaping geographical landscapes and the prosperity of ancient hydraulic civilizations that developed sophisticated water management systems. Historical cases of civilization collapses due to inadequate water management are examined, offering a critical perspective and emphasizing the importance of responsible natural resource management to avoid similar scenarios. Exploring contemporaneity, the paper underscores water crises, geopolitical conflicts, and current disputes over water. Additionally, it addresses water diplomacy as an effective approach to conflict prevention, highlighting international agreements and shared watershed management programs. The article concludes by emphasizing future challenges, including the growing global demand for water, climate change, and urbanization.


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