Alguns apontamentos sobre o desenvolvimento da ciência de Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854)
história da acústica, física-matemática, Georg Simon Ohm, epistemologiaAbstract
This paper aims to present some ideas regarding the development of the science of Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854), in order to provide contributions to a better understanding of his work. Although the main references for this investigation are his acoustic research, the epistemological and contextual points made here can be seen in a more general way. These results include Ohm’s clashes with the current of thought called Naturphilosophie, while at the same time a similarity can be observed between the visions. In addition, the use of mathematics to investigate physical phenomena was an issue that was under debate and Ohm’s more abstract approach seems to be at odds with what was practiced at the time. In this respect, contact with the work of French scholars would have been decisive in this scientific training.
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