Practical Science in “O Patriota” (Rio de Janeiro, 1813-1814)


  • Lorelai Kury Fiocruz - Casa de Oswaldo Cruz



Enlightenment, History of Press, Utility, O Patriota


“O Patriota” was a periodical published in Rio de Janeiro, in 1813 and 1814. One of its main characteristics was to publish articles on science and the arts. This journal has to be understood in the context of the Enlightenment Press, which considered utility as a principle of science. Texts published in “O Patriota” originated mainly from the work of military and civilian employees of the Crown, who had been trained in Europe. In some cases, the texts were the result of experiments effectively carried out, and should be considered as science, based on European standards from that time. In other cases, the texts published were translations and compilations, published in order to stimulate new practices from the Enlightenment.


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Author Biography

Lorelai Kury, Fiocruz - Casa de Oswaldo Cruz

Doutora em História pela École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, França, e pesquisadora e professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências e da Saúde da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. É pesquisadora do CNPq.





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