Overcoming Narcissus
history, philosophy and sociology of science to postpone the end of the world
multinaturalism, relational metaphysics, pedagogyAbstract
We live in an extremely challenging period, in which the increase of social inequalities, the advancement of climate change and the proliferation of extreme climatic situations, as well as the results imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, demand a deep reflection on the basis of the modern social organization. In this paper, we recall the notion that different collapses that accumulate in the contemporary world are consequence of an extractive cosmovision underlying the modern world. We argue, however, that there is a difference between the official epistemological discourse and what we find in the science practices. Starting from a perspectivist and relational metaphysics, arising from the anthropological studies of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and from the anthropology of the laboratory, we propose that the histories of the sciences have the potential to contribute to dreaming other just and inhabitable worlds. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an anti-narcissistic pedagogy, in the sense discussed by Castro, in which the valorization of the autonomy of the subjects involved, whether in the historical process or in the classroom practice, must be taken as a fundamental principle, in contrast to the imposition of a pre-defined proposal for a world, typical of hegemonic thinking.
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