Cinematographic fluids

a historical and scientific contextualization of water in science fiction cinema




water , cinema , science fiction , art and science , water representations


This article carries out a qualitative analysis of the representation of water in science fiction cinema, exploring it as a narrative, symbolic and scientific element throughout the history of cinema. The research integrates elements of film analysis and cultural studies to understand how water is represented and understood in the history of science fiction cinema. Emblematic films that have water as a central element are investigated, from their first representations to futuristic projections. The analysis is based on a historical contextualization, considering scientific and technological development, historical events and environmental concerns that shaped the conception and representation of water in cinema. Furthermore, the visual, narrative and scientific elements present in these cinematographic works are investigated, aiming to understand the interconnections between science, culture and imagination in the construction of these narratives. It is concluded that the representations of water transcend its visual dimension, being crucial in the symbolic and narrative construction of the works. The influence of scientific development, historical events and environmental concerns on the evolution of these representations is notable. The complex interaction between science, culture and imagination stands out, highlighting the ability to use water to convey deep meanings about the human condition and its connection with the environment.


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Recebido em dezembro de 2023

Aceito em março de 2024





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